dSOFT is a trade name used since 1986 with the aim of shortening the phrase that describes its spirit, "software development". In that year, it was established, in Gijón, Spain a small personal business wich got quickly success developing business management software for MS-DOS.
In 1989, it becomes into a community business, and continues along the same path growing in the number of customers and revenue. In 1990, the new company enter the field of hardware distribution, representing the American company NCR (after AT&T), with exclusive distribution to Asturias, from 1991 to 1996 when the multinational left the PC market.
In 1997, was founded the current society, a limited society named SISTEMAS INFORMATICOS DEL LLANO, S.L. The name of the company, was derived from the location at that time of the company, the district of Gijón "El Llano". During this period, due to the huge market demand, we let our true devotion, software development, to focus on the installation of our finished software products, and the sale and maintenance of equipment and local networks.
In 2006, thank to advances in telecommunications, and considering the optical fiber infrastructure being installed in the coalfields of Asturias, the company launched a new course and settled in the current location in the pretty village of Moreda de Aller, Asturias .
Today, the company has returned to its roots, software development, leaving second sale and maintenance of computer equipment, and has made a huge effort to be present on the Internet and maximizing their potential. In Moreda headquarters we got two fiber optic connections and 200 MB of bandwidth.
We are present in several Internet Sites, some of them with high audience, such as: